No matter if you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert or both for that matter, you need to set aside some time for yourself one in a while. 
When you plan to do this is totally up to you, daily, weekly or monthly. But once you start doing it, make sure to make it a habit. It will help you keep track of your physical and mental health.

I have been feeling overwhelmed with all life decisions I have to make for myself and people around me that look to me for advice and suggestions. I wonder, I don’t even know what I am going to do after work everyday or two months later, how am I supposed to give advice on someone else’s whole life decision. That's when I decided to focus on myself more and figure out my minds mess first before I go on to suggesting stuff to people.

Its just a 10 minute activity (more or less as per your wish), you can do before going to bed or weekly to recognize your own mindset and highlight the good parts of life. Hoping this keeps you grounded and focused on the small things of life that keep changing. The future is as uncertain as the next dinner is going to be fine, you just have to be your own happy ever after. 


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