Impulse Control Is an essential skill to develop. MOST people I’ve met or talked to are already struggling with impulse issues. Be it impulsive shopping, eating, playing video games etc.. I can tell you that you need to have a stronger will power and help yourself by weighing the pros and cons; but who am I kidding? Controlling impulsive decisions is a different task. Impulse is a sudden urge that can be so hard to resist. BAM I want chocolate, like, now. BAM this thing’s on sale and I feel like I need it! They steal our focus, our money, and our resolve to do better.
I am still working on controlling my impulsive decisions, but these are some ways I use to ‘improve’ my impulse control:

1.       Have realistic expectations
Don’t set the bar too high, but don’t set it too low, either. Figure out what you are capable of currently and think of achieving the level of control that is one or two steps ahead. Understand that there will always be low level impulsive decisions. Yes, it may drive you crazy, but try not to get bogged down by the little things.

2.        Use routines to your advantage
Impulsive people are often those who desperately need routines and structure. If you’re on a diet, you would set yourself up for success by removing the treats from your house and planning out your meals (trying to at least). If you work a 9-5 job, try to work around that routine. 

3.       Give Extra Support to the Extra Challenging Times
If you can, create extra structure around a particularly stressful time(s) to help find more peace. Give yourself some time and space to recover and let your brain and heart align with the calmness. Pick one area to work on at one time. Don’t go on a diet while being on a tight budget! Its completely overwhelming! Figure out where will you be able to make the biggest impact the quickest?

4.       Practice, Practice, Practice
Impulse control is best compared to a muscle, and not a set of knowledge. You can’t go to the gym once a month, or even once a week, and really expect to grow stronger. This isn’t something that can be taught once, and then you expect yourself to know how to do it. It will take consistent work, for a lifetime, to grow and keep the impulse control ‘muscles’ strong.

Always remember,
YOU have more control over your emotions than you think you do!
Emotions which seem to happen to you - are actually made by YOU!


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