The last couple of months have been really tough for me. I started neglecting my self and personal happiness. Self-care or self-love should be an instinct rather than a topic that everyone talks about. Not that I am all well now, but I have managed to include some activities into my very irregular routine that I feel helps me with my mental and overall health. 

As a result of this, I have decided to create a 7 day checklist every week, so that I take some time from my day to focus on myself and be inspired rather than highly anxious.

I hope this is a helpful resource and helps you all as well. The activities will help you start off easy on this journey of self-care with just one activity each per day. The list is at the bottom that you van download or print and use!

1. (Monday) Wear Something Comfy
No matter where you are going, work or class, or even if you are staying home - Wear something that excites you and is comfy. Start your week off nice. Paint your nails a cheerful color, or better yet, wear that favorite color of yours (even if you look like a oompa loompa). Its a good way to get the week going and putting a smile on your and everyone else's face. 

2. (Tuesday) Start a gratitude jar
Keep some sticky notes with the jar and at the end of every day, come back home and write down one thing that made you happy. If you think nothing did, focus on the small things, You got to eat and drink or you got to watch a movie or stare at the sky etc. Small things are also meant to be grateful for. 

3. (Wednesday) Listen to a podcast
Open up your iTunes or spotify or YouTube and find a topic that interests you. Listen to that podcast or watch that Ted talk and you will realize how much we don't think about in our day. It will also make you realize that you are not the only one, there is someone out there going through the same thing. 

4. (Thursday) Eat something healthy
Grab a bunch of fruits and vegetables to make a salad or a nice home cooked meal, but make yourself something healthy (even in small portions). Make a smoothie with all the vegetables and fruits, that also counts as healthy. I have been doing this lately every morning and honestly I feel the positive change.

5. (Friday) Stay in or Go out?
Its FRIYAY! Now this day is up to you. You can choose to hang out with friends or stay in at home. If you are hanging out, make sure you take care of yourself, eat well and stay hydrated. If you are staying in, make yourself a cup of nice warn tea, get cozy in your bed or couch and watch a nice hearty movie. 

6. (Saturday) Be thankful
Now this can be done in many ways, but this week we are keeping it to, call a friend. A friend that will listen and advice properly. If you can't find any, be your own friend. stop judging and comparing yourself to others. Treat yourself like you would treat someone else. 

7. (Sunday) Clean Your Space
Even is its just one room, pick up your brushes and mops and get cleaning. 
Cry all you want on Sunday then finish your day off with a nice warm shower, put on a face mask, trash those negative thoughts and be a clean slate for the next week. 


Show some love


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